Having your website appear towards the top of search engine results pages for keywords your target audience typically search for can have a huge impact on increasing your sales and revenue. 执行 有效的搜索引擎优化 is far from easy because the rules of the game change all the time. Through this post, we’ll give you 5 tips you can act on to get the most out of your SEO.

技巧1 -使用长尾关键词


长尾关键字, 顾名思义, refer to keywords and search phrases that are slightly longer and more specific than simple ones.

这里有一个例子: 假设你的公司卖蛋糕. Someone looking to buy cakes online is likely to type into the search bar ‘best cakes’. 现在让我们更进一步.

你们卖的蛋糕是用有机原料做的吗? If so, a more specific keyword relevant to the cakes you make will be ‘best organic cakes’. 使关键词更有针对性, you should add your location – ‘best organic cakes 墨尔本’, 例如. 源自' best cakes ', you’ve now modified your content to target a more specific long-tail keyword like ‘best organic cakes 墨尔本’.

There are several great tools that can help you research keywords relevant to your industry, 包括 谷歌AdWords关键字规划师, WordStreamSEO书关键词研究工具. Specific long-tail keywords like these drive a smaller crowd of visitors to your website, but these people will have an active interest in the products and services you have to offer. As a result, it will be easier to turn these website visitors into customers.

技巧2 -开始写博客


In order to have a greater number of pages indexed by search engines, 你需要创造更多的内容, 哪个应该是新鲜和独特的. A good starting point to accomplish this is adding a blog or news section on your website.

A blog enables you to upload new content frequently and diversify the static pages of the website. 正如我们在之前的文章中所探讨的那样, effective content marketing requires planning topics ahead of time and carrying out keyword research when blogging.

来自分析工具的数据,例如 谷歌分析 will also help you figure out which blog posts and topics are most popular among your audience, 怎样才能优化你的内容策略.

技巧3 -让你的网站响应移动设备


The mobile phone internet user penetration in 澳大利亚 is expected to go up from 65.从2014年的3%上升到73%.9% in 2021.

这些数字对你来说意味着什么? Internet usage and browsing on mobile devices is only going to keep increasing, and it’s highly likely that a large proportion of your website visitors are using a smartphone or tablet to access your pages.

The responsiveness of your website can impact search engine rankings in a variety of ways, especially with the increasing emphasis on a well-crafted and highly usable mobile design. A responsive website design can reduce bounce rate as well as the need to 创建一个单独的手机网站,使其对搜索引擎更友好.

技巧4 -制作视频


People are increasingly looking for alternative forms of content, and videos are a great option.

YouTube is one of the largest search engines out there and can increase your website’s reach. Using video on both your corporate website and your social media pages also contributes to enhancing your online reputation.

Videos are more engaging than text and can have a greater emotional impact. They don’t have to be expensive or difficult to make with the increasing number of easy-to-use video editing tools you won’t have to worry about massive production costs as long as you have a script that will work.

提示5 -本地化


Lots of people are looking for local businesses and brands, relying on geographic searches to identify companies in the same city or neighbourhood. It’s important to ensure they can find your website and hence your products and services.

A great first step is listing your website in local directories such as 黄页,Yelp, True Local 和其他人. 确保你的网站上有你的地址, 一幅地图, and other essential 联系 information is also beneficial for local optimisation.

实施一个有效的SEO策略需要时间, but acting on these five tips will significantly improve your search engine optimisation process and rankings. For any enquiries or to begin implementing these tips and more, 保持联系 我们会为你安排免费咨询!